Effect of acetazolamide and methazolamide on diaphragm and dorsiflexor fatigue: a randomized controlled trial.


Acetazolamide, a carbonic anhydrase (CA) inhibitor used clinically and to prevent acute mountain sickness, worsens skeletal muscle fatigue in animals and humans. In animals, methazolamide, a methylated analogue of acetazolamide and an equally potent CA inhibitor, reportedly exacerbates fatigue less than acetazolamide. Accordingly, we sought to determine, in humans, if methazolamide would attenuate diaphragm and dorsiflexor fatigue compared to acetazolamide. Healthy men (dorsiflexor: n=12; diaphragm: n=7) performed fatiguing exercise on three occasions, after ingesting acetazolamide (250 mg three times a day) and then in random order, methazolamide (100 mg twice a day) or placebo for 48 h. For both muscles, subjects exercised at a fixed intensity until exhaustion on acetazolamide, with subsequent iso-time and -workload trials. Diaphragm exercise was performed using a threshold-loading device, while dorsiflexor exercise was isometric. Neuromuscular function was determined pre- and post-exercise by potentiated transdiaphragmatic twitch pressure and dorsiflexor torque in response to stimulation of the phrenic and fibular nerve, respectively. Diaphragm contractility 3-10 min post-exercise was impaired more for acetazolamide than methazolamide or placebo (82 plus minus 10, 87 plus minus 9, and 91 plus minus 8 % of pre-exercise value; P < 0.05). Similarly, dorsiflexor fatigue was greater for acetazolamide than methazolamide (mean twitch torque of 61 plus minus 11 vs. 57 plus minus 13 % of baseline, P < 0.05). In normoxia, methazolamide leads to less neuromuscular fatigue than acetazolamide, indicating a possible benefit for clinical use or in the prophylaxis of acute mountain sickness.

Journal of Applied Physiology
